020 7289 6222 info@w9dentalhealth.co.uk 176 Shirland Road, Maida Vale, London, W9 3JE


Professional Treatments That Will Get You Smiling Again


Tooth whitening is the most simple and effective way to give your smile a lift. Be it for a special occasion, or just a treat for yourself, come and speak to one off our dentists today to find out how tooth whitening could help improve your smile.

What to expect?

Once your dentist has confirmed that tooth whitening is an appropriate treatment for you, impressions will be taken of your teeth. This will allow special trays to be made that will fit your teeth precisely, helping to ensure optimal whitening results. You will then return to your dentist to have the trays fitted, and you will be provided with whitening gel and through instructions to allow to complete the treatment in the comfort of your own home. You will see results in 2-4 weeks.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Will my teeth feel sensitive if I whiten them?

Sensitivity is often heard of when talking about tooth whitening. Our dentists will recommend tooth pastes and a daily regime that will minimise any discomfort that may occur from sensitivity as a result of tooth whitening. Any sensitivity experience is almost always only temporary.

  • How white will my teeth become?

As white as you like! In most cases, the longer you whiten for, the whiter the teeth will become. As the process has a gently approach, you can stop using it once you are happy with the results. Enlighten Whiten is the only whitening system that guarantees a B1 shade (the whitest possible) at the end of treatment.

  • How long will the results last?

The colour of teeth can be affected by many things such as your diet or smoking status. Keep your trays safe, and so long as your teeth are healthy, we can provide you with more whitening gel to help you keep your teeth looking their best.

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